. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Introducing my father, who appears from time to time in my poetry...

I stole my father’s knife and
     cut myself,
and I called the mangled flesh
     a loss of my innocence,
The deep blood that ran like a river across my wrist
     was a red glove into which my hand slipped,
I found it made me indestructible,

In my fever I dreamed wild imaginations,
I became a king,
The crimson-colored dots that speckled the concrete
     below my shoes were the distant cities of my kingdom,
Their banners displayed,
A vision of war,

I fell into the illusion,
Past many stars and many miles,
And with the weapon that had taken my own life
     I slew many thousands,
Returning at the very end to my father’s face,
Parched and thirsty for his love,
For redemption,
That sweet sound,
An end to this madness and my eternal fall.
