A fit of estrogen-induced inspiration hit me one day and I wrote this...
Will you not leave me alone,
growing stone wings that crumble
after so many years,
sad stone face where pigeons land and
pointed iron defends your feet,
old grandmother that walks senile and drops seeds,
oldest boy that hides in your shadow,
tall grass in the park that a city forgets,
I am shaking because you are still here
in your mature red cardigan,
your full breasts hidden but in the shower
I'm jealous,
long hair, long legs
and you do not care,
I hate you in this attic overstuffed with a family's
discarded life,
our family and
our life,
doll houses that existed fantastic broken now,
old beds of heavy wood asleep forever,
Chinese fighting dragon someone's pale memory
of foreign lands,
you belong up here and I do not,
sitting on the ceiling dangling your pumps over
the hall light,
I am trapped without escape by the towering figure of my sister,
so high and so full of love,
I sink saturated with a drowning
and shake,
my own body refusing to catch up,
ideas of admiration lost,
this is an attic not enough to hide in.
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