. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Oh She Begets

She was the spill of silver moonlight
spilling over snake curls coiling twisting
hissing flickers forked tongue wet
whispering wanting to be bitten
strawberry currents twirling in a post storm deluge
golden flood stage river water crimson shimmer
   flowing over her shoulders
blue hurricane bruise on her neck nearing landfall
cresting along the short rise of her bone white breasts
whereupon russet roses rest
a perch for thirsty lips
tasting of summer wine and warm breath

aplomb in smokey eyeliner smeared in streaks of black sweat
she presses me
like a hungry wolf cub
like the black weight of Death

hold still, and with trembling fingers will I draw your shape in charcoal dust
oh swell of her dancing form!
holy woman born
following her sharp shadow on the bedroom sheetrock
my eyes tracing over her outline where she ends
   and the rest of the world begins
entranced by such flawless human goddess design
aglow in the angry orange streetlight lines thrown from the blinds
thrown to the lions
thrown through the window of existence into the harsh streets of this life
in her pink folds
in her diamond fire

let the winds drive
oh God let the winds drive her higher
in such bold strokes I slash savage and mad
I cut her in half
I taste the strong sting of her wild spirit
at last

and I eat her alive.


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Other Half

"Take me with you," I bemoaned
to the Lady in the orange jumpsuit,
with the eagle crest on her shoulder,
with a flight helmet tucked under her arm,
with the Cross of Nine Stars on her chest,
"I'll be a substitute for the Captain,
or I'll grab my Rosary and be the Chaplain,
or I'll grab some napkins and be a Server serving
flavored lemon water in paper cups
to space-bound sailors on their way up,
I'll labor where ever you need a favor,
I'll smile and I'll strut,
I'll sing all the old hymnals foretold
to bring all the good luck,
I'll watch for asteroids and transmit the signal
if even one as small as a thimble
crosses our simple but straight path
during my vigil,
I'll massage the temples of everyone every night
in a warm bubble bath
and serve you all cold milk
from a tall frozen glass,
I've done the math - the ship can handle
my relatively minimal mass,
I'll breathe lightly
so as not to use up much O2 gas,
I'll hop to every command,
I'll even dash,
I can't offer you much
but what's mine you can have,
I'll even give everyone a sloppy blow..."

She stopped me, looking a little sad,
"I'm sorry," she said,
"but we'll have to pass,
it's not about cash,
or stowing extra trash,
I truly believe you when you say
you'll do and dash
committing everything to the crew
and to the task,
don't feel bad," she said,
you're a Dad,
a Father to three amazing little lads,
your place isn't on the launchpad,
or between stars in the infinite Gap,
if you long to save the world
save it through those three children you have,
we'll see to the Heavens,
you see to the other half."


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Her Wet Lips Near My Ear Tell Such Soft Stories

I crept with her through holes
in floors and in walls
in her under and her overalls
in parts of her near and fore
and before her fall
we searched like alleycats in heat
for shadows
shouldered by the cold darkness of our souls
for that sweet meat
we are fangs
and fur
we creep
we acknowledge with spilled milk on our hands
that we are what we eat

she visits me under a throbbing helo moon
in my unholy hour
holds me together with such fragile string


with such power
devours pearls of sweat with a swollen tongue
from the black hairs on my bone and collar
to the nip of my neck

let's me sleep
in what amounts to a secret peace
but whispers with breath like the cold breeze on a flower...

soon, my love
too soon comes that haunted hour.


Sunday, January 6, 2019


Waiting by the car
in your overalls
and underdrawers
pink pussy wiggling in cotton candy stripes o'er my hemline
the car's engine twitching with fine tuned tension
we're both waiting
idling at the starting line
for the fire
circumnavigating your dimensions
sailing turbulent seas frothy with desire




a pair of rabbit in the briar.


Photo cred: Paul Hart

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Tusks and Tails

There they were
running to crown the new king
stumbling over themselves in order to be the first
   to usher in a new beginning
ringing their hands mad with dance proclaiming disdain
   to the very last drop of red blood running through their
   blue veins
lines like human trains
lies thicker than ink stains
staring into dull mirrors with dim vision puking into sink drains

let us remember what it is these fools claim
this foundation is at best unsteady
ready to topple under the weight of too much shame
our hands cuffed to rusted bars
forgetting the key was always ours
forgetting we are the ones to blame

how well we listen depends on the celebrity credibility of their fame
name one thing we have in common with these bastards of representation
   and I'll gladly allow hope to coax me from the edge of a misguided nation
with car wreck satisfaction we're transfixed by the action
   but forget quickly WE
   are the deer in the headlights
   about to lose OUR
madmen who sleep easily at night
despite their sins
driving us recklessly around sharp bends
defending such piloting with blatant lies
   and devil's grins

we vote them in
time and time again
like lambs
like serfs
like a country of weeping children

I remind you with a fading voice
over senseless clatter and ignorant din
forget not who holds the power...

for even kings
are only men.