. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Other Half

"Take me with you," I bemoaned
to the Lady in the orange jumpsuit,
with the eagle crest on her shoulder,
with a flight helmet tucked under her arm,
with the Cross of Nine Stars on her chest,
"I'll be a substitute for the Captain,
or I'll grab my Rosary and be the Chaplain,
or I'll grab some napkins and be a Server serving
flavored lemon water in paper cups
to space-bound sailors on their way up,
I'll labor where ever you need a favor,
I'll smile and I'll strut,
I'll sing all the old hymnals foretold
to bring all the good luck,
I'll watch for asteroids and transmit the signal
if even one as small as a thimble
crosses our simple but straight path
during my vigil,
I'll massage the temples of everyone every night
in a warm bubble bath
and serve you all cold milk
from a tall frozen glass,
I've done the math - the ship can handle
my relatively minimal mass,
I'll breathe lightly
so as not to use up much O2 gas,
I'll hop to every command,
I'll even dash,
I can't offer you much
but what's mine you can have,
I'll even give everyone a sloppy blow..."

She stopped me, looking a little sad,
"I'm sorry," she said,
"but we'll have to pass,
it's not about cash,
or stowing extra trash,
I truly believe you when you say
you'll do and dash
committing everything to the crew
and to the task,
don't feel bad," she said,
you're a Dad,
a Father to three amazing little lads,
your place isn't on the launchpad,
or between stars in the infinite Gap,
if you long to save the world
save it through those three children you have,
we'll see to the Heavens,
you see to the other half."


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