. The Poet's Beat .

. The Poet's Beat .

Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Night


We sucked until the smoke ran out
in the red light
sober like a Sunday forgotten
this mirror me wearing folded stockings
boiling magic inside his crystal glass ball
frankly I'd rather his golden curls be on his head
but they're on the floor in roadkill agony
positioning me on his chest
like roadkill ecstasy
not like this
like this

once a southern sugar swallower
a traveller kept like his pet
ogled by the jewel thief
no no little pet
the ball is dangerous
and hot
come curl inside my lap.




Sometimes the heat
the sweltering hell summer heat
wearing gramma beads
and lingerie
choking in my fantasy
hung from a red hanky around my stubble
sometimes I can fall in love with the heat
it's home, after all
sexy like the shadows in the sugarcane rows
baptized in holy water
in sweat
like holy sweat
like holy fuck it's hot
revelations in white rows on a mirror
rap like a rosary keeping time on the radio,

they say a lot of things actually
it's hard to tell
who's the wolf
who's the lamb
work the hay
go home
turn up the air conditioner
sleep the laborer's sleep
work the hay again,

they say
death makes life sweet,
the heat
it reminds me to live that life.


When You Pass


She rode by in silk skins
in dragon boots
her thigh peppered in purple bruises
   like some very heavy chihuahua had pranced
   in clumsy circles just above her cypress knees
bottom lip ballooned
throwing me the bird with casual affair
legging that two-stroke
and dogging the throttle,

wasn't moonlight that turned me stiff
Sara looking back at Sodom
with a mouthful of salt
that silver shadow at the witching hour
thrown like a vaporous sheet of molten light
gathered a concentration of cloth and coal
blue jeans clustered in aggregate around my ankles
dogma on my tongue
my millions forestalled lock and step
en garde pith helmet horde
sent to battle

and again,

ah the pleasure when you pass.